Genre : Crime, Thriller, Drama
Stars : Bruce Mathews, Jeff Sauber, Jennie Dallery, Matthew Brannan. John Roper, a disillusioned Vietnam Vet and ex-drug dealer travels through the Orient to get spiritual. He comes back, calling himself The Master, and becomes a charismatic spiritual leader, running a teen shelter in Hollywood. The Master rescues Melinda, a gang-banger on the run; Blake, a failed young artist; and Ariel, teen hooker; and brings them to his shelter along with other social rejects...." />
Movie Quality : BRrip
Format : MKV
Size : 870 MB
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John Roper, a disillusioned Vietnam Vet and ex-drug dealer travels through the Orient to get spiritual. He comes back, calling himself The Master, and becomes a charismatic spiritual leader, running a teen shelter in Hollywood. The Master rescues Melinda, a gang-banger on the run; Blake, a failed young artist; and Ariel, teen hooker; and brings them to his shelter along with other social rejects. The Master preaches his self proclaimed spiritual wisdom and eventually selects the most dependable (i.e. desperate) ones who undergo sexually-charged secret rituals and become the 'The Chosen Few'. When Blake is initiated, he agrees to abide by the three cardinal rules: share your spirit, body and soul with others; devote your life to saving homeless kids; and never leave unless the Master casts you out. As the story unfolds, Blake realizes that the Master seduces young devotees including Melinda and Ariel into ritualistic acts of sex. Blake falls in love with Melinda but the Master compels ...
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